
Indie Campers

Published: 15th May, 2023
Last Updated: 3rd April, 2024


  • 5 hours to set up the Pile account
  • 40 hours saved every week for the finance team
  • Transparent Cash Management for the first time on auto-pilot

About the company

Industry: Marketing automation, SaaS, Social Media Automation
Management team: Hugo, Alexandre
Industry: Travel
Products: Multi-Banking
Indie Campers is a travel and outdoor adventure company specializing in camper van rentals. With a focus on providing unique and memorable experiences, Indie Campers offers a fleet of well-equipped camper vans for individuals and families to explore and enjoy the freedom of the open road. Their services cater to adventure enthusiasts seeking a convenient and comfortable way to embark on road trips and camping adventures.
Indie Campers x Pile
Alexandre Costa Prata
We are an international company with entities and multiple bank accounts across all major European countries. Pile allows us to do consolidated cash reporting within minutes instead of hours.

Alexandre Costa Prata

Chief Business Development Officer


The challenge

Indie Campers, a dynamic multinational enterprise boasting over 70 global locations, experienced rapid growth with an expansive operational network comprising 6000 caravans and a substantial workforce. The immediate challenge they confronted was establishing a truly multinational company from the outset. This involved creating sub-companies in each operational market to employ local staff, acquire assets, and secure office spaces. However, this ambitious expansion led to a complex financial landscape with over 45 accounts across more than 20 banks. Managing the financial intricacies became a time-consuming task for the finance team, dedicating hours every week to prepare cash statements and reports for CEO meetings.

The Solution

In addressing their financial complexities, Indie Campers turned to Pile for a straightforward alternative to traditional treasury management software. Preferring swift implementation, they opted for self-onboarding into the Pile app within a few hours. Consolidating all bank connections and accounts on the dashboard provided an instant, real-time overview of their finances, liquidity, and cash conversion cycles – a first for the company. This not only saves more than 40 hours of valuable time every week, eliminating human errors in cumbersome Excel sheets, but also enhances transparency. Senior management could now make faster, data-driven financial decisions with ease.

The Outcome

Indie Campers now relies on Pile for daily and weekly monitoring of their cash positions across numerous accounts. The transparency provided by Pile not only ensures a good night's sleep for everyone but also facilitates quicker and more proactive decision-making. The streamlined single dashboard expedites the onboarding of new finance managers by requiring only one setup of permissions. Additionally, the transaction extract feature enables finance teams to incorporate real data into offline reports through convenient CSV downloads. Pile's efficiency is further evident in time savings, eliminating the need to log into individual accounts for internal transactions, ultimately saving over 10 hours per person each week for the growing finance team.
Want to see what convinced the Indie Campers team to start with Pile? Book a Demo and get a guided tour of the platform.
Jessica Holzbach, CEO and Founder
Pile logo


  • What is Pile?

    Pile is a treasury service app for high-growth startups from seed to Series C, as well as business angels and venture capitalists. Pile includes a bank account and access to various product features such as fixed deposits and overnight money, and allows you to set up your entire banking setup across multiple banks and view everything in a single dashboard overview. Pile helps you grow, manage and keep your capital safe.

  • Why should I use Pile?

    If you're a high-growth startup or work with venture capital in general, you're probably looking for a place to keep your capital safe but also effective. Pile helps you do that.It's the central place where the European startup scene keeps their money - with pooled views across multiple bank accounts and access to a range of financial instruments from fixed deposits to overnight money.Whether you are just starting to build a good bank portfolio or already have two to three accounts spread across Europe, Pile is the best option to keep everything in view and therefore under control.

  • How much does Pile cost?

    Pile's services are available from a basic fee of €29 per month, which covers both the cost of the bank account, connecting external bank accounts and access to financial products such as fixed deposits or overnight money. For further features, such as automated payments, different price plans are available depending on the size of your business and the number of bank accounts you want to integrate, as well as the amount of capital deposited.

  • Is Pile a bank?

    Pile itself is not a bank, but a technical service provider that does not offer regulated financial services. All regulated financial services are operated by our banking partner, Swan, who are a registered e-money institution and a EBA-STEP2 BNP Paribas SEPA Indirect Participant, thereby under the supervision of the European Banking Association, BaFin in Germany and ACPR in France.

  • What are the requirements to open a Pile account?

    To open an account with Pile, your business must be based in Europe and registered with the local tax authority. We welcome businesses of all stages of development and sizes.

  • How long does it take to open a Pile account?

    Registration takes about 10 minutes. The account approval process depends on the partner bank's Know-Your-Business (KYB) and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) processes, which usually just takes a couple of hours, depending on the complexity of your business structure.

  • How are my deposits protected?

    All Pile partner banks belong to the European Deposit Guarantee Scheme, which means that in the event of a bank insolvency, deposits up to €100,000 are protected and will be returned in full within seven working days. At the same time, Pile makes sure to work with the best and most secure banks, to provide a hassle free financial service.

Try Pile free for 7 days

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